We now have only two meetings to go before the 4 September council elections, already delayed a year due to Covid.
With the virus still around, this election will look quite different from others, with more focus on electronic iVote, and expanded qualifications for postal and pre-poll voting to reduce the number of people attending actual election day.
So don’t forget to vote, and do consider registering soon for iVote or postal voting.
Council’s website has links to the information. Just search ‘election’.
In this election there will also be a community poll on water fluoridation asking “Yes or No: Would you prefer that Council stop adding fluoride (hydrofluorosilicic acid) to the public water supply.
Council has produced an information sheet with both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ arguments, also available on the website ‘election’ page.
Just one page each, they are worth a read when considering how to vote on this important community question.
I personally spent a decade getting to the truth on this matter. But recent evidence makes it much simpler to decide.
Importantly, Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has been responsible for advising on fluoridation, and since 1953 has recommended it as unconditionally ‘safe’.
But twice now NHMRC has written informing council (perhaps unwittingly) that, in 70 years of fluoridation, it has never funded a single safety study.
Never funded a single project to investigate adverse health effects from fluoridation, and I’ll willingly provide those letters on request.
The confident assertions of ‘safety’ we’ve been fed for decades are just illusion.
Especially since 2006, the published peer-reviewed research has grown rapidly in quantity and quality worldwide, showing many potential adverse effects from consuming fluoride – in young and old, literally womb to tomb, including damage to teeth.
For the health of us all this dangerous charade must stop (and save ratepayers $280,000 per year in the process).
Cr Intemann’s opinions are her own and not necessarily those of council
*Original article online at https://www.portnews.com.au/story/7340449/countdown-on-to-election-and-fluoride-community-poll/