Are you brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes a time?

It would seem that a lot of Australians aren’t. That is according to a new report that also tells us gum disease affects one in five adults, one in six have more than ten teeth missing, more than one third of children between 5 and 6 have tooth decay in their baby teeth and 50% of adults and 25% of children haven’t been to the dentist for a check up for over a year.

This matters because the more unhealthy our mouth is the more unhealthy our entire body will be and in the end that means a greater strain on the health care system. How did it get to this and what, if anything, can be done?


Professor John Dwyer
Emeritus Professor of Medicine, UNSW
Founder, Australian Health Care Reform Alliance
  • Lesley Russell
  • Adjunct Associate Professor at the Menzies Centre for Health Policy and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Australian and New Zealand Studies at Georgetown University.
  • Further Information: Australia’s Oral Health Tracker


Presenter: Geraldine Doogue

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*Original article online at