City council decided on Monday night to hold a public forum on flouridation. But not before Coun. Wayne Gardy was satisfied the motion approving the forum was toothless.
Gardy asked that the word “implementation” be removed from the phrase “that the city consider the implementation of a flouridation program.”
It was fine to have the public discussion, Gardy told council. But the motion should not suggest the city actually plans to take any action, he said. “There are too many unknowns with using the product and they’ve not really shown the benefit for solving tooth decay.”
Coun. Maurice McMillan said he had read articles that suggest the evidence is “more overwhelming against flouride than for.”
But whether the city is to use flouride or not, it’s only fair to let the Simcoe County District Health Unit make the case for the drinking water additive. “It may well be determined that we don’t proceed,” said Coun. Don Evans.