WINFIELD, Mo. ( — Albert McDaniel is the father of five children and recently three of them were diagnosed with fluorosis. That’s a cosmetic condition that causes the teeth of children to have white spots and discoloration because of the consumption of too much fluoride.
“If you’ve got kids 9 and under, don’t let them drink the water, it’s just ridiculous,” said McDaniel.
McDaniel blames the water that his children drink which comes out of the faucet and is provided by Public Water District #1. Recently, tests on one of the water district’s wells showed a level of fluoride at 4.2 milligrams per liter, which exceeded the maximum allowed level of 4.0 milligrams per liter.
PWSD #1 general manager Evan Romo told News 4 that the water district is notifying customers of the elevated level in the bills that are being sent out this month. He also said he didn’t think the water consumed by customers ever exceeded the maximum because water from all the wells is combined before it goes to customers.
“As far as following Missouri DNR and EPA limits, the water is perfectly safe,” said Romo.
Romo said the water district doesn’t add fluoride and that fluoride in the water is naturally occurring. He said the well that tested high would be flushed and retested before used again.
Lincoln County dentist, Dr. Aaron Oge, said he’s seen more cases of fluorosis at his practice in Troy than other places. He said the condition is cosmetic and doesn’t affect the structure or strength of the teeth.
“It usually takes a long time and these children are usually the age of 0-8 while their teeth are still forming,” said Oge.
The American Dental Association and federal government recommend a level of 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter but Oge admits the level of fluoride in his system usually runs 1-2 milligrams per liter. McDaniel said he and his family aren’t drinking water from the faucet anymore and have turned to bottled water.
“We’re not drinking it, we can’t trust it period, anymore,” McDaniel said.
You can read the water district’s public notice on fluoride at this link.
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