The next city council could be asked to return fluoride to the city’s water supply. What is your position on this?
Needs more study.
Political/volunteer experience:
What is your motivation for seeking a seat on city council?
Describe your leadership style:
By example, by scientific rigor.
What do you consider the single most important issue facing Calgarians, and what should be done about it?
Racism in our public trust, we need to introduce fMRI testing for common psychoses among police, judges, doctors and teachers to move past lip service to science and safety for our most vulnerable.
What are the three most important issues in your ward, and how would you address them?
Racism, gender bias and sexual abuse of minors. All may be addressed by fMRI testing.
Do you support the city’s downtown revitalization strategy? Where should funding and programs be focused?
Yes. I believe in the strategy to fund a change from commercial to residential zoning in downtown buildings and units by subsidies.
What innovative project or job creation measure can you propose to aid Calgary’s post-COVID economic recovery?
See Miami’s innovative crypto policy. They have minted a coin to offset costs and even pay employees in crypto.
What should city council do to keep young adults from leaving Calgary?
Increase university scholarship and housing incentives; reduce student debt in the city by creation of city jobs for new grads.
* All candidate Q&As have been edited for clarity and brevity.