Throngs of people from all walks of life, along with their dogs, are joining in the effort to stop the fluoridation of the Dallas drinking water. The public’s support is overwhelmingly on the side OF NOT adding Fluoride to the water. The reasons, say proponents, are obvious when a person has the facts about the Fluoride Issue in Dallas.
On Wednesday, many activists again were at Dallas City Hall putting forth testimony about Fluoridation of the Public Drinking Water before City leaders. For more than a year, activists have been approaching the Dallas City Council.
The world is watching.
Here is the scoop of recent events…
The nationally famous, local organic gardening guru, Howard Garrett “The Dirt Doctor” came out with breaking news this past weekend on the issue of Dallas Water Fluoridation. Reaching well over 100,000 people with his newsletter and radio show, he gave the dirt on Fluoride.
The Dallas City Council will make a pivotal VOTE on January 28th regarding the issue of continuing to add FLUORIDE to the area drinking water (this includes many of the Dallas suburbs which obtain their water from Dallas).
If Dallas chooses to NOT Fluoridate the water, then a domino-effect will likely occur which will affect the entire nation (and also affect the health of millions of people and animals for generations to come).
Other cities around the country will follow Dallas’s lead, because Dallas is recognized as a huge international City.
The impact of this issue is enormous. It is historical. It is far reaching.