Readers split on the question of whether Petaluma’s water supply should be fluoridated.

Ten percent more respondents to the weekly poll favor fluoridated water.


“Two of my children reacted badly to fluoride. A formerly calm infant cried non-stop until we stopped fluoride drops. An 8-year-old had facial rashes after fluoride was administered at school. His dentist said to stop all fluoride treatments and toothpaste for him. How many other children have bad reactions?”


“We should fluoridate the water. Decades of experience and research show that fluoridating the water combats tooth decay.”


“Of course fluoride is necessary. Good example is that I have fillings in of my mouth because there was no fluoride where I grew up. My children have no cavities.”


“No. It’s a really short-sighted shortcut. Instead of teaching people proper dental hygiene we want to throw a bunch of chemicals into our water supply. This stuff is dangerous.”


“Many of the toothpastes on the market list fluoride as the active ingredient in their product. The Centers for Disease Control in 1993 stated it was not necessary to drink fluoridated water in order to reap its small benefits. Using a fluoride-enriched toothpaste can be just as effective, if not more effective, as fluoridated water.”


“Keep our water clean and pure. I don’t want to bathe in fluoride!”

It is toxic to people with kidney disease. Too expensive — buy those kids some fluoride tablets — save 12 million dollars.