The following press release, titled “Cuts and Changes” was issued in April 2012.

As we approach the halfway point in our fiscal budget year myself, the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen face the task of amending the budget to better suit our revenues and expenditures. On Monday, April 16th during a special workshop the Board of Aldermen made substantial cuts with the possibility of more to come. The bottom line is we had to use our last big CD to balance the budget this year and things were left in the budget on a preliminary basis until we had a better idea of where we stand. Had the ballot measure passed, the additional revenue from the business license increase would not be recognized and used until next year’s budget but would have allowed us some breathing room. However, since the voters rejected the ballot measure and we cannot count on those additional revenues we are now forced to make cuts in order to ensure we have a substantial amount of carry over for next year’s budget. The City of Pevely is not unique to this situation, cities all across the country are facing the same financial difficulties we are. Although no one likes to see services cut I’m confident that with time our economy will improve and we will be able to move this City forward with progress.



Fall bulk clean-up ($1500.00)
Pevely Homecoming Festival ($30,000.00-50,000.00)
Park Improvements ($10,000.00)
Not replace staff as they leave (projecting 3 leaving) ($120,000.00)

Fluoride additive to the water system ($10,000.00)

Street Department Salt Cover ($5,000.00)
Tree limb removal from monthly to quarterly ($12,000.00)
Sewer Department – Brush Hog ($700.00)

Total estimated savings: $204,200.00

… The Fluoride additive that we currently add to our water system in not a mandated regulation by the Department of Natural Resources or any other agency. Not only is this costly but is highly corrosive and destroys equipment and machinery requiring higher maintenance costs. This additive will be phased out and NOT reordered.


Jason Eisenbeis City Administrator