The Dec. 15 Girdwood Board of Supervisors meeting was highlighted by the issue of adding fluoride to Girdwood’s drinking water, which emerged again with new information about future plans by Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility. Other top agenda items included a bid for $275,000 that was accepted to construct the elevated running track for the Girdwood K-8 School. The supervisors also spoke about the need for Girdwood residents to run for two open GBOS seats in the April 15, 2015 municipal election.

… The issue of drinking water fluoridation was brought up at the November GBOS meeting. Afterwards, Supervisor Sam Daniel investigated further into the matter.

“I spoke with Chris Kosinski [public affairs] at AWWU, and he said that in the past, the water has been fluoridated. In 2013, they had a piece of equipment that broke down at the treatment facility and, therefore, the water has currently not been fluoridated. There are plans at AWWU to put that equipment back online sometime in 2015.”

Daniel has arranged for David Persinger, AWWU director of utilities treatment division, to discuss the plans at the Jan. 19 GBOS meeting.

“He will be specifically talking about what plans AWWU has for putting that piece of equipment back online and what impact that equipment would have on the drinking water supply,” said Daniel.

Daniel wants to put the community on notice and encourage community members who are interested in this issue to attend the meeting, ask questions and make comments.

… In other business, the upcoming April 15, 2015 election will have GBOS seats A and B open and candidates are sought for the volunteer advisory positions.

Supervisor David Chadwick announced that “Girdwood Board of Supervisors Seat A and Seat B will expire in April 2015. That would be Erin’s seat and mine. If you’re interested in being elected to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors then please file with the MOA Clerk office starting Friday, Jan. 30. Filing for the April election ends on Friday, Feb. 13 at 5 p.m. For more information about serving on the Girdwood Board of Supervisors and if you qualify, please contact the city clerk’s office at 243-VOTE. Please don’t do what I did last time,” Chadwick said, “which is drive into town to file at the end of the day.”

Supervisors emphasized that it is critical for Girdwood residents to step up to run for these open seats or that Girdwood risks losing some say in how their community is operated. “The issue is that the mayor can appoint [a supervisor] if no one runs for the office,” said Supervisor Tommy O’Malley…

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