The Port Angeles city council tonight could formally establish an ad hoc committee to deal with fluoride and the fallout surrounding the council’s decision to continue adding it to the water supply.
Last month, the council agreed to form the committee and tasked council members Brad Collins and Sissi Bruch to work with staff on a proposed structure.
Bruch and Collins met last week with city manager Dan McKeen. They determined the goal of the committee was to bridge the divide that exists in the community related to the issue of fluoridation and look for viable alternatives that recognize the importance of oral health in the community.
They also agreed on a proposed list of members with two who are against fluoridation, two for continuing fluoridation, two neutral members and a representatives from the Utility Advisory Committee.
Port Angeles business owner Jake Oppelt and resident Janet Kailin were tabbed as against fluoridation; Dr. Chris Frank and Dr. Alan Peet were cast in the for fluoride spots; and PA schools Superintendent Mar Jackson and Clallam County commissioner Mike Chapman were asked to be neutral members. Betsy Wharton would represent the Utility Advisory Committee.