A group of protesters gathered in front of the Port Huron Municipal Office Center and other sites around the city on Tuesday to talk about water fluouridation.
“Basically they are trying to medicate the public without our consent,” said Tara Clark of Port Huron. “And we really just want to bring awareness to it.”
The group, many of whom are also Occupy Port Huron members, handed out flyers with some information about fluoride and sought signatures on a petition to remove sodium fluoride from the municipal water system.
Dr. Annette Mercatante, director of the St. Clair County Health Department, addressed concerns about water fluouridation in an email last week.
“I have practiced medicine for over 20 years and one thing that is very certain: nothing is 100 percent safe, nor 100 percent certain,” she said. “We always need to weigh the risk with the benefit and do so in a repetitive and open minded way… I have come to the conclusion that fluoridation should remain in our water supply and that our community benefits a great deal from it.”