Today’s large donation to Healthy Kids, Healthy Portland, the campaign proposing Measure 26-151, which would fluoridate Portland’s water supply, comes from Upstream Public Health.

Upstream, a Portland non-profit, is the group that started the fluoridation movement rolling last year in clandestine talks with then City Commissioner Randy Leonard and Mayor Sam Adams.

Filings with the state show Upstream bought $47,000 worth of television and radio ads for Healthy Kids on May 7 and reported that as an in-kind contribution yesterday.

Healthy Kids, Healthy Portland has now raised $801,000 this year, while Clean Water Portland has raised $257,000.

Ballots will be counted May 21. – End.


• This seems like shoddy journalism to me. Since when was Upstream a grantmaking organization? Never. They rely on donations for specific work they do. So who gave the money to Upstream? It had to come from somewhere. Why wasn’t this investigated by the reporter?

• Upstream Public Health may be a “non-profit”, but what exactly do they do and where do they get the money to do it? Look up their website and you’ll see they offer “contract services” which include lobbying and advocacy. So basically, someone with money can hire Upstream to do the lobbying and advocacy, which includes things like buying $47,000 worth of TV and radio. Upstream is the front group that puts a smiley healthy face on the campaign … but who is paying them? Perhaps someone who wants to hide their identity?