Water flouridation [sic] proponents Monday night got a big endorsement from the Portland School Board
The board passed a resolution supporting Ballot Measure 26-151, in support of water flouridation [sic] for the city of Portland.
“We support this effort because we know that the health of our students has a direct impact on their ability to learn,” said board member Member Bobbie Regan. “In Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties, 21 percent of children suffer from untreated dental decay. This often results in severe pain and infection and needlessly missed school days, impacting their education.”
Board member Matt Morton, who is also executive director of the Native American Youth and Family Center, added that flouridation [sic] would particularly benefit Native American children, who tend to suffer greater rates of decay.
“As an equity issue, dental decay disproportionately impacts low-income families and children, many of whom are uninsured or underinsured,” he said. “Low-income children suffer twice the rate of untreated decay and nearly three times the rate of rampant decay than children from higher-income families.”
The bond measure, sponsored by the Healthy Kids, Healthy Portland campaign, will be on the ballot May 21 along with the opposing group, Clean Water Portland.