Teeside University are running a survey to gauge the public opinion in the UK regarding fluoridation of drinking water at online at https://teesside.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/public-opinion-on-water-fluoridation-in-the-uk

Page 1: Consent Form

1. The purpose of the survey is to gauge the public opinion in the UK regarding fluoridation of drinking water. It should take about 10 minutes to complete.  Participation is voluntary, and you may exit the survey at any time. If you would like to be included in the prize draw and/or participate in an additional interview by email, then kindly provide your e-mail address when prompted. If you choose to provide your email address, your survey responses may no longer be anonymous to the researcher but will remain confidential. There are no foreseeable risks to you for taking part in this study. By completing and submitting the survey online you are giving your informed consent to take part in this study. By clicking “I agree” below you are indicating that you are at least 18 years old, resident in the UK and voluntarily agree to participate in this research survey. Required.

Page 2: Personal Details

3. What is your age? Required
4. Gender Required
5. Please specify your Ethnicity Required
6. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, highest degree received. Required
7. Employment status Required
8. Annual Income Required
9. Are you currently registered with a dentist? Required
10. When did you last get a dental check-up? Required

Page 3: Usage of fluoridated dental hygiene products

11. Do you happen to know anything about fluoride in dental hygiene products (e.g. toothpaste, mouthwash)? Required
a. Where did you hear or read about fluoridated oral/dental products? (Select all that apply) Error Required
b. What do you think is the effect of fluoride in toothpaste? Error Required
12. Do you use dental hygiene products like toothpaste and mouthwashes containing fluoride? Required
13. How many times do you brush your teeth with toothpaste in a day? Required

Page 4: Awareness about water fluoridation

14. Do you use tap water for drinking and cooking? Required
a. Which water do you use for drinking and cooking?
15. Do you know anything about the addition of fluoride to drinking water? Required
a. Where did you hear or read about drinking water fluoridation? (Select all that apply) Error Required
a. What notions did the sources of information mention about water fluoridation? Error Required
i. If you selected Other, please specify: Required
16. Is your water fluoridated? Required
a. Where do you receive fluoridated water supply? Required
17. What do you think is the purpose of adding fluoride to drinking water? Required
a. If you selected Other, please specify:
18. What effects do you think water fluoridation has on overall health? Required
19. Do you think that health experts have a consensus over the health benefits and health risks of fluoridation of drinking water? Required

Page 5: Perceptions about water fluoridation

20. Do you believe that fluoridated drinking water is safe for consumption? Required
a. Are you anxious regarding any possible health risks from water fluoridation? Error Required
i. Which health risks do you associate with water fluoridation? Please specify.
21. Do you feel that people should have the choice to opt for or opt out of fluoridation of their individual water supply? Required
22. Do you support the idea of adding fluoride to drinking water? Required
23. Who do you think should make the final decision regarding the addition of fluoride to the drinking water? Required
24. What kind of information do you think the UK government has provided to the public about water fluoridation? Required
b. Could you kindly elaborate as to why and how you came to consider the government’s information to be unclear or biased?
25. Do you think that the UK government is communicating health research results (e.g. drinking water fluoridation and effectiveness research studies) adequately and effectively to the public? Required
a. Which of these channels do you think the government should use to effectively communicate scientific and health research to the public? (Select all that apply) Error Required

Page 6: Feedback

26. Where did you find out about this survey? (Select all that apply) Required
27. Would you like to participate in- Required
*Survey online at https://teesside.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/public-opinion-on-water-fluoridation-in-the-uk