I am writing to question the recent, Dear Doctor K, Fluoride benefits far outweigh risks publication. The segment published in your paper looks to be an astorturfing piece. Astroturfing is a common practice used by vested interests and government entities in order to make it appear as if grassroots individuals support a controversial program.
Dr. K has served on advisory panels for promoters of fluoridation which include the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fluoride in drinking water has been one of the most controversial programs promoted by these government agencies for the past 70 years.
In early 2015, a Canadian study suggested ADHD prevalence is higher in fluoridated American communities. Another study came out suggesting fluoridated communities in the UK have a much higher diagnosis rate of thyroid disorders.
In April of 2015, HHS lowered the optimal levels of fluoride in drinking water by almost half because 41 percent of adolescents are showing visible toxicity signs with white spotty fluorosis teeth. Promoters of the fluoride program dismiss this permanent tooth damage and describe it as lacy white spots that are cosmetic.
Environmental advocate and legal consultant Erin Brockovich, submitted a letter to the National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine, highlighting fluoride’s ability to lower thyroid activity, disrupt the endocrine system, cause kidney damage, inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, and neurotoxic effects in April, 2015.
Newsweek published an article in June highlighting a new review conducted by Cochrane Collaboration which looked at fluoride in drinking water and its effectiveness at reducing tooth decay. The review found that the science supporting this program is outdated and highly bias. They were shocked at the lack of data on the safety and effectiveness of this program.
Earlier this month, the National Toxicology Program labeled fluoride in drinking water as a high to medium area of concern because of its neurotoxic and endocrine disruptive abilities and will be conducting a review to address these issues.
Fluoride in drinking water to prevent tooth decay has never been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA considers prescription fluoride supplements as non FDA approved drugs. The FDA states that the lack of evidence demonstrating that these unapproved drugs are safe and effective is a significant public health concern.
On June 1, 2015 Attorney Gerald Steel along with ten organizations submitted a formal petition to the FDA requesting the regulation of fluoride and fluoride additives as drugs.
The dose of a drug added to public water can not be controlled for each individual because people vary in age, weight, health, and the amount of water they drink. Water fluoridation is foolhardy.
Brenda Staudenmaier