An email sent by mistake has revealed the level of disdain the chair of Rous Water has for anti-fluoride crusaders.

Rous Water chair Sue Meehan inadvertently copied Lismore’s Greens councillor Vanessa Ekins into a message intended for Rous general manager Kyme Lavelle.

The email was in response to Cr Ekin’s intention to move a motion at the next meeting of Rous Council calling for the suspension of fluoridation until the National Health and Medical Council had completed a review into reducing concentrations of fluoride.

‘Kyme this is just bluff and bluster from the lips of our sworn enemy of fluoride…Do not spend any money complying with Vanessa’s BS!!!!?I am SO over her and the whole bunch of them!!! Sue,’ the email said.

Cr Ekins has been a strong opponent of fluoride since Rous Water first mooted adding it to the region’s water supply, under the direction of the NSW Health Department.

Echonetdaily has contacted Cr Sue Meehan for comment on the email.

Meanwhile, Cr Ekins has also lodged a notice of motion for tonight’s Lismore City Council meeting, calling for a community poll on the issue.

‘Just as CSG has ignited community discussion about clean waterways and local control over activities that may impact our environment and health, so has the addition of fluoride to our water supply,’ her motion says.

‘Even in the council chamber opinions on fluoridation are divided.

‘Our community has never been adequately consulted on the question of fluoridation and this shows complete disrespect for our own consultation policies.

‘I urge councillors to consider conducting a poll along the same lines as the CSG poll, with the question formulated and advertised in the same manner.’

Members of the Fluoride Free Northern Rivers group are expected to attend, and spokesperson Leisa Webb will give a five-minute address to the council.

The council meets at 6pm in the chambers in Goonellabah.