LISMORE Councillor David Yarnall will be subpoenaed to give evidence in the NSW Land and Environment Court over why he changed his vote last year to add fluoride to the region’s water supply.

The case against Rous Water and the Ballina council, brought by anti-fluoride campaigner and community activist Al Oshlack, is set down to be heard between March 14 and 18. It is believed to be the first case to go to court to stop the fluoridation of water.

Cr Yarnall crucially changed his vote at Rous’s April meeting to approve fluoride after he and other councillors were given legal advice that they could be liable for fines up to $500 a day until they approved it.

Mr Oshlack has offered to drop the case if Rous agrees not to proceed with the construction of the fluoride dosing plants. Rous Water is expected to discuss the offer at this month’s meeting.

“This is only the beginning as no matter what the decision is in the Land and Environment Court it will go on to appeal and possibly the High Court,” Mr Oshlack said.