Following the directive of a decision made by the Sheridan City Council in 2010, the City began fluoridating the water at the Big Goose and Sheridan Water Treatment Plants in January of 2015. The issue of fluoridation has surfaced to the forefront once again. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.

In May, the City of Sheridan hosted a public meeting where those for and those against fluoridation, had a chance to present their case. During a City Council study session Monday, the idea was discussed of putting the fluoridation issue on the general election ballot next November.

The idea didn’t sit well with Councilor Kristin Kelly, as she explained a couple of the reasons she was not in favor of putting the measure on the ballot.

In order for the measure to be placed on the general election ballot, the City Council would have to pass a resolution requesting the ballot measure, and that request must be submitted to the Sheridan County Clerk’s office at least 120 days prior to the general election on November 6th of next year.

*Original article online at