The Slater City Council met in regular session Tuesday, Sept. 5, where Assistant Administrator Gene Griffith updated the council on water plant upgrades, tree trimming and an upcoming commission meeting.

Griffith said the chlorinators are in for the upgrades, according to meeting minutes. He also stated the city received a grant for the fluoridation unit, which is installed and working well. A revised engineering drawing for the UV system is ready to be sent to the Department of Natural Resources and signed off, then a contract can be made to do the work, the minutes stated.

According to meeting minutes, Griffith said tree trimming would begin in October and will start on the east side and move westward. Griffith stated in the minutes, city crews will just be clearing trees out of electric lines.

Slater will be hosting a Local Emergency Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 11:30 a.m., according to meeting minutes. The meeting will be held at City Hall or at the Volkfest Building if there is enough interest.

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