The odds are the water coming from the tap in the area has fluoride added to it. Adding fluoride to water supplies has become a huge controversy and St. Peters is looking at stopping the practice.
“When you put fluoride in all of our water you’re taking away my liberty to choose…and that is un-American,” said Barry Pulley, who is against “forced mass medication.”
For years, communities like St. Peters had added fluoride to the town’s drinking water to prevent tooth decay. It’s been debated in the past.
“There hasn’t really been a big push, every two or three years the topic comes up but it hasn’t been discussed at this level,” said Bill Malach, St. Peters Water Environment Services Manager.
Pulley serves on the city’s health and wellness advisory board. For years, the CDC and several dental organizations have encouraged communities to add fluoride. While there is research to support both sides of the argument, Pulley has his doubts.
“You had asbestos…DDT…lead in the gasoline and government used to support all that, too…as far as I’m concerned fluoride is “DDT science,’” said Pulley.
The St. Peters is still not convinced stopping the additional fluoride is a good idea.
“In order for us to make this move, I need input from federal government as well as state of Missouri to say this is an actual hazard,” said Mayor Len Pagano.
The Health and Wellness Advisory Board will meet Monday evening. Pulley said the board won’t advise the city to stop adding fluoride unless he can get all eight members and two aldermen to agree it should be done away with.