The Legislature should take action to prevent exposure to the inert perfluoroalkylated substances, (“Bill aims to slow spread of PFAS,” Gazette, Mar. 7), but it should also tackle the flip side of the fluoride coin — the reactive sodium fluoride and other fluoride products we deliberately add to drinking water supplies to reduce tooth decay. These chemical products also disturb the thyroid gland and are linked to cancer, but the greatest concern is prenatal exposure to fluoride.
UMass biology professor and thyroid expert Tom Zoeller recently co-authored an analysis of a Canadian mother-infant database that concluded, “Fluoride in drinking water was associated with increased risk of hypothyroidism in pregnant women. Thyroid disruption may contribute to developmental neurotoxicity of fluoride.” After years of study, the National Toxicology Program concluded that fluoride is a presumed ”neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.” In contrast to the difficulties of ending PFAS exposure, water fluoridation can be ended by just turning off the chemical tap.
Michael F. Dolan
*Original full-text article online at: