What: ODA President Dr. Ira Kirshen will hold a press conference at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre to discuss the importance, benefits and safety of adding fluoride to municipal water supplies.
Why: In response to increasing rates of tooth decay in the region, in 2007 the Thunder Bay District Board of Health made recommendations to City Council on improving the oral health of its citizens. One recommendation is the implementation of community water fluoridation. As City Council prepares its decision on the issue, the ODA wants to ensure that Council, and all citizens of Thunder Bay, know the facts about water fluoridation.
When: Monday, July 20, 2009 at 2 p.m.
Who: Dr. Ira Kirshen, President of the Ontario Dental Association
Where: Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
The Atrium
980 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6V4
For further information: Rui Estevao, Public Affairs & Communications,
(416) 355-2278, restevao@oda.ca; or Bonnie Dean, Public Affairs &
Communications, (416) 922-3900, ext. 3305, bdean@oda.ca