Ah, fluoride! “You say yes, I say no.”
When we become subjective about anything, nothing will change – lead, mercury, aluminum, chlorine, fluoride …
Let’s look at science. Science is only valid when it is independently verified. The original science on fluoridation was done by Alcoa Aluminum scientists. They had a conclusion in mind before they did the research: Find a way to get rid of fluoride toxic waste without paying exorbitant prices. This kind of thinking invalidates any scientific experiment, which is commonplace these days.
Drug company research controls the health narrative. They advertise on TV, sometimes 12 to 14 times per hour and the people pay for it, not only financially, but with their health. Truth is, for the past 50 years, the health of Americans is the worst of any industrialized nation at 37th, and we pay almost twice the price of any country.
Subjectively, people say we have the best health care in the world. Not true. Even our health care system is ranked 75th by the WHO.
I am interested in the reason why over 50% of children have chronic disease. Anybody else? I put it to you. Fluoridation is an important piece, not the only piece. Independently verified research done by former EPA scientists says so. Something is definitely affecting children’s health.
Fluoride is something we add and something we can take out. Independently verified science says it affects their IQ. It affects their/our gut health. People never asked for it. Let’s think smart and get rid of it.
James Forleo
Original article online at: https://www.durangoherald.com/articles/thinking-smarter-about-our-health-omit-fluoride/