Fluoride Free in TC turned in their petition signatures Tuesday to the city clerk.

The group wants to eliminate the addition of fluoride to Traverse City’s water supply.

They say the petition could give the people a chance to choose, since water fluoridation has never gone to a vote in Traverse City.

The group completed their goal tonight, of surpassing the 527 signatures they needed to file their petition.

“We’re happy that we overcame a lot of obstacles. We made a lot of mistakes, but we’re experienced now and we’re confident. Every signature is worth gold to us,” said Ben Hansen, Group Leader of Fluoride Free in TC.

Supporters say that the fluoride in the water helps prevent tooth decay and causes no harm to anyone drinking the water.

The petition’s signatures still have to be certified by the city clerk, and if the signatures are passed, people will be able to vote about the issue on the November ballot.