As early as next week, Meadville Area Water Authority will seek official approval to add fluoridation equipment, according to Tom Thompson of Gannett Fleming, MAWA’s consulting engineer.

“That’s what our goal is,” Thompson said following Wednesday’s MAWA board meeting.

The equipment design for fluoridation has been completed, Thompson told the board.

Although the board voted in June to fluoridate the water supplied by the authority to its customers, it must still seek a permit to do so from the state Department of Environmental Protection. At the time of the board’s controversial 3-2 vote in favor of fluoridation, Ted Watts, the authority’s attorney, said that the permit approval process will involve additional public hearings.

Review of permit applications like MAWA’s typically takes 120 business days — about seven months — according to Melanie Williams, DEP community relations coordinator.

Thompson said he already has attended a pre-application meeting with DEP representatives.

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