It’s one of the big issues on the November ballot in Wichita and many are now showing what side they’re on.
The issue is whether to fluoridate Wichita’s water. Pro and anti-fluoride signs are all over town making their decision public.
“I’m allergic to fluoride. I’m sure I’m the only one in this town and if this comes to pass then I’m gonna have to have a whole house filter,” says Deborah Martin.
Which is why she decided to make her vote public and post it in her yard. She says her sign has made some of her neighbors stop by and ask her about the issue.
“They ask what’s wrong with fluoride and I tell them. Most people are unaware about the facts of fluoride.
Dr. Lucynda Raben, a dentist who’s leading efforts to fluoridate Wichita’s water, has been handing out “yes to fluoride” signs at her practice for more than a week.
“We have people who just come in for their regular appointment who will say can I have one too? Can I have two or three? So of course, take as many as you want,” says Raben.
Food For Thought market on East Central Ave. has been handing out “vote no to fluoride ” signs for the last 3 weeks. It started with 600 and only have about 30 signs left.
There are some who don’t have signs in their yard but are vocal about their intentions for Election Day, including Bonnie Ellis who lives across the street from someone who has a “vote no to fluoride” sign.
“I’m for it because it’s a good source of fluoride for your teeth. I haven’t had any bad things happening to kids or elderly or anybody so I don’t know why it’s such a big deal right now,” says Ellis.
With less than two weeks until Election Day, both sides can agree that any opportunity to get out the word out, matters.