The East Brunswick Township Council meeting of May 4 to discuss fluoridation was carried out in admirable fashion. I would guess the objectives put forth were achieved. To wit, there was a plethora of pros and cons on this issue for East Brunswick.
It was not a surprise that the mayor and his dentist group “rolled out” the same, tired slogans touted for decades by such respected institutions as the ADA and AMA, which are based on flawed science and propaganda, unfortunately. Clearly, it indicated that politics often persuades the public.
The key takeaway is that those groups which remain centered on fluoridation benefits and those of like mind lag in their keeping up with the factual information, studies and publications challenging that paradigm, the challenges of which have also been available for as many decades: stating instead that drinking fluoridated water poses a danger to health.
It especially applies in addition to the numerous publications, during the past 10 years or so, on the studies demonstrating the cognitive neurotoxicity problems – mainly to infants – associated with consuming/drinking fluoridated water.
The attitudes for retaining fluoridation in the East Brunswick water supply score high on the scale of intentional ignorance.
The most surprising drama, after all of the discussion to end fluoridation of drinking water in East Brunswick, was Mayor Brad Cohen’s (MD) recommendation to retain the policy.
One can hardly blame Mayor Cohen for his opinion on the matter, since he is subject to the same medical school training and indoctrination of the august AMA, as most physicians seem to be. (It is understood the pharmaceutical companies suggest and approve much of it. Perhaps that’s a good thing.)
But in doing so, our mayor has completely missed a great opportunity to perceive and act on the world authority (toxicologist) regards against drinking fluoridated water, Dr. Paul Connett, and his admonitions. (He spoke at that meeting.)
World-renowned and CEO Dr. Connett of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has spent decades educating persons and governments around the globe about the dire health consequences that result from drinking added fluoride chemicals from water supplies.
Mayor Cohen, apparently, would have us believe it is alright for the residents of East Brunswick to imbibe a little bit of added toxicity, which medical associations tout as preventative medication against tooth caries.
In addition, the ADA cedes to fluoridation its own preventative efforts in keeping public awareness of better dental care. That is really strange.
It is noteworthy: there are better ways to get fluoridated water, individually, should one so choose, the former Mayor David Stahl of East Brunswick so stated. Also, “One size fits all” is false.
Residents, by and large, have scant knowledge of the fluoridation problem due to the medical associations’ meticulously consistent, pervasive, political and propaganda agendas.
However, the council has been duly informed and it is its responsibility to understand the truth and to protect we residents and the administration. This is not a forum for political grandstanding.
By the way, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency may be, again, constrained to revise the national guidelines on water fluoridation, due to more evidentiary information in a lawsuit on fluoride toxicity to human beings. The current 0.7 ppm is not low enough based on deeper studies.
Therefore, it might be advisable for the East Brunswick government to get ahead of it, for the sake of we residents.
C.F. Caldwell, PhD
East Brunswick
*Original article online at