KATHLEEN M. THIESSEN, PhD, is a senior scientist at Oak Ridge Center for Risk Analysis, Inc. in Tennessee. From 2003 – 2006, Dr. Thiessen served as a member of the Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water for the National Research Council of the National Academies. She has extensive experience evaluating exposures, doses, and risks to […]
Showing results for: 2006 NRC
Part 2. FAN’s list of fluoride studies (by author) submitted to SCHER. April 2009.
PART 2. List of fluoride studies by AUTHOR, published since 2004, and submitted to SCHER. The following is part 2 of the submission from the Fluoride Action Network to the European Commissions’ Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) in response to their solicitation for a “Call for Information” for scientific papers, reports, etc., […]
Part 1. FAN’s list of fluoride studies (by subject) submitted to SCHER. April 2009.
PART 1. List of fluoride studies by SUBJECT, published since 2004, and submitted to SCHER. The following is part 1 of the submission from the Fluoride Action Network to the European Commissions’ Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) in response to their solicitation for a “Call for Information” for scientific papers, reports, etc., […]
FAN’s submissions to the EU SCHER committee, 2009.
April 26, 2009 Via Email Sanco-Sc8-Secretariat@ec.europa.eu To: Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) The European Commission Re: “Call for Information” – scientific papers, reports, etc., on fluoride and fluoridation chemicals published after 2004. Dear Committee Members, In response to your “Call for Information” we submit the following list of papers, reports, and relevant […]
Review of the EU SCHER report, June 21, 2011
July 3, 2011 Good for Advocates but Bad for Science and a Terrible Model for Public Participation. On June 21, 201, SCHER (the European Union’s Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks) published the final version of a report entitled, Critical review of any new evidence on the hazard profile, health effects, and human exposure to […]
Sulfuryl Fluoride: FAN’s Submission to EPA. July 5, 2011.
Fluoride Action Network 82 Judson Street, Canton NY Email: pesticides@www.fluoridealert.org http://www.fluoridealert.org/ July 5, 2011 To: U.S. EPA Office of Pesticides Programs Comments on Sulfuryl Fluoride; Proposed Order Granting Objections to Tolerances and Denying Request for a Stay. Federal Register, January 19, 2011 Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0174; Document Number: 2011-917 FAN is responding to the EPA’s judgment […]
LULAC’s Resolution Opposing Water Fluoridation
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights organization, has adopted a resolution calling for an end to water fluoridation.
The 2nd Citizens’ Conference on Fluoride: A Summary
According to Ralph Nader, “Attendance of scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and three of the National Research Council’s panel members, among others, makes the Fluoride Action Network’s conference more than ordinary. The NRC’s review of the EPA’s safe drinking water standards and the Harvard study on fluoridation and osteosarcoma this past May provide contemporary material for opening the public debate further and deeper.”
Summary of 2011 Fluoride Research
Evidence of fluoride’s detrimental effects on the brain and central nervous system continues to mount. At least four more studies finding a link between fluoride exposure and decreased intelligence (IQ) of children were published this year, putting the total number of such studies at 25.
Fluoride: Top 10 Scientific Developments of 2007
2007 was yet another important year in fluoride research, with studies not only questioning long-held views about fluoride’s benefits, but raising new concerns about its impact on human health. To give an indication of this recent research, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has selected the “Top 10” scientific developments of the year. They are as follows: