Fluoride Studies funded by the U.S. Government

Overview The human studies funded by U.S. government agencies, particularly Bashash 2017, Green 2019 and Till 2020, reveal that in fluoridated communities the fetus and the formula-fed infant are the most vulnerable to fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Certain high levels of fluoride in the pregnant women’s urine were found to significantly impact the IQ, or neurodevelopment, of […]

Fluoride Toxicity.

… it is not a question of if community water fluoridation should be discontinued, but if it is worth the risk of lowering the IQ of at least certain individuals for an intervention that we have a viable substitute. Fluoridated toothpastes will protect against caries, can be avoided or used in reduced quantities by pregnant […]

Fluoride Studies funded by the U.S. Government

The human studies funded by U.S. government agencies (Bashash 2017, Green 2019 and Till 2020) reveal that in fluoridated communities the fetus and the formula-fed infant are the most vulnerable to fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Certain high levels of fluoride in the pregnant women’s urine were found to significantly impact the IQ, or neurodevelopment, of the offspring. […]

WATCH: House of Lords Debate UK Fluoridation Mandate

The UK House of Lords spent just over an hour debating amendments to two clauses (147 and 148) in the Health and Care Bill that would take authority for fluoridation away from local authorities and give it to the central government.  It is currently at the committee stage in the House of Lords, which involves examination of […]

FAN appeals to Surgeon General to issue warnings

REMINDER: the next status hearing for our federal TSCA trial against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will take place TODAY — Tuesday, January 18th at 2:30PM (U.S. Pacific) / 5:30PM (U.S. Eastern). To watch live on Zoom: https://cand-uscourts.zoomgov.com/j/1619911861?pwd=TjVma1lnMlJlNHR3ZE9QMkFjNkFndz09 Webinar ID: 161 991 1861 Password: 912881 FAN Appeals To Surgeon General To Issue Warnings One of the things I have learned as an activist struggling […]

23 studies published since 2017 on the association of fluoride exposure and reduced IQ.

The following are 23 studies published since 2017 on the association of fluoride exposure and reduced IQ. As of January 2022, a total of 83 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence. Of these investigations, 74 studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans. In communities […]

Letter to The Right Honourable Boris Johnson

Best viewed in pdf format 10, Bratwell Road Coleraine Co. Londonderry BT51 4LB Tel: — The Right Honourable Boris Johnson Prime Minister, 10, Downing Street London SW1A 27 December 2021 Dear Prime Minister: Ref:   Leading scientific researchers critique the Government’s Water Fluoridation Policy Paper (Health & Care Bill 2021), threat to the developing brain. Further […]

Impacts of Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Cognition and Mental Health: A Literature Review.

Abstract This review focuses on the synthesis of current experimental and observational data regarding the effect of fluoride exposure on childhood mental health and the role of mitochondrial function as a mechanism of action. We aggregated data on the relationships between fluoride neurotoxicity, mitochondrial function, and cognitive and mental health using PubMed. Current animal and […]

19 fluoride Neurotoxicity studies published from 2017-2021

On November 22, 2021, the following was sent to Dr. Karen Hacker, Director of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is a list of 19 studies, published from 2017 to 2021, reporting an association of fluoride exposure to lower IQ in children. […]