A Recap Of Day Three Of the TSCA Trial

A Recap Of Day Three Day three of the trial was another exciting one, as FAN attorney Michael Connett continued to call our expert witnesses to the stand to reveal the truth about fluoridation’s neurotoxicity.  The day started with the completion of testimony from Dr. Howard Hu, which was followed by testimony from renowned clinical […]

Myths & Manipulation: Rockport’s non-binding election in Massachusetts

We thank the writers of this letter submitted to the Fluoride Action Network. It describes a lack of integrity demonstrated by the local Boards of Health (BOH) in the Massachusetts communities of Gloucester and Rockport on idyllic Cape Ann. The two communities share an island and a newspaper. Island activists banded together about a year ago […]

Experts Respond to Inaccurate Criticism of Brain and Thyroid Studies

Dear Supporter: Latest Victories  Bennington, Vermont: Despite aggressive campaigning by a well-organized and well-funded pro-fluoridation coalition, on Tuesday residents of this community of 16,000 voted 1,539 to 1,117 in opposition to fluoridation in an advisory referendum vote.  This is at least the fifth time Bennington residents have voted down fluoridation since the 1960’s.  The Selectmen […]

Fluoridation outlawed in Israel

Just occasionally during the long sordid history of fluoridation an individual stands up against the bullying tactics of the arrogant promoters of fluoridation. This has just happened in Israel where the Minister of Health Yael German has ended fluoridation in Israel despite the vocal and vociferous attacks of fluoridation promoters which have been gleefully – and […]

Big victory & U.S. Congressman opposes fluoridation

Dear Supporter, Bucks County, PA Goes Fluoride-Free We are happy to report a major fluoride-free victory for the people of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. One of the largest water and sewer authorities in the state serving more than 78,000 accounts and 385,000 people in the southeastern Pennsylvania region has stopped supplying fluoridated water to customers. On July 1, […]

FAN’s Comments to HHS: The Time Has Come to End Fluoridation

On January 7, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its recommendation to reduce the level of fluoride added to drinking water based on national survey data showing that 41% of American adolescents (ages 12-15)  now have dental fluorosis (a tooth defect caused by excess fluoride consumption during childhood). On January 13, 2011, […]

The Fluoride IQ Studies

The 78 human studies listed below reported an association of exposure to elevated levels of fluoride and lowered IQ. These studies are based on IQ/cognitive examinations of 29,130 children (75 studies) and 689 adults (3 studies). Location of the Studies: China (47), India (14), Iran (4), Mexico (4), Canada (4), Egypt (1), Kenya (1), Pakistan […]

Fluoridation Review #39

Compiled by Michael F. Dolan, PhD Further Analysis Confirms Fluoride Exposure Associated With Primary Hypothyroidism In response to a question raised at the recent US federal court trial Food and Water Watch et al. vs. United States Environmental Protection Agency regarding their work on drinking water fluoride and hypothyroidism, scientists at Canadian and U.S. universities […]

Fluoride and Lowered IQ: All The Studies

A total of 94 human studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride exposure and human intelligence. Of these investigations: 85 studies have reported that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans. • Studies which reported an association of reduced IQ with exposure to fluoride are based on IQ tests and cognitive examinations […]