On Monday, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) admitted that the fluoride levels, which they promoted and encouraged as safe, has damaged children’s teeth.  Because of the huge increase in dental fluorosis (white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth) in 41% of young teenagers, HHS says that water fluoride levels should be […]

Part 2: Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-fluoridation Mantra

Dear Supporter, Today we will bring to you part 2 of the Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-fluoridation Mantra (see below). But first here are the details of yesterday’s fundraising, which has reached a crucial stage for which your help is needed. We are very close to reaching one mini-goal and tantalizinglyclose to reaching […]

Bob Delaney, MPP an embarrassment to Ontario

Dear Supporter: Fundraising Update Yesterday was another very good fundraising day. A huge thank you to the 26 people who contributed a total of $2,700. With Dr. Mercola’s very generous doubling pledge this becomes $5,400 bringing our grand total as of Dec 20 morning to $72,867 from 355 donors. This brings two mini-goals very close. […]

How fluoridation could end in 2015

Dear Supporter: Before we get to Paul Connett’s article on ending fluoridation in 2015, we would like to provide a quick update on our December fundraiser. A huge thank you to all who have donated so far. We have received $1,105 from 10 donors. To reach our goal, we need to raise $150,000 from 1000 donors […]

Gov’t Failed To Warn About Fluoride Harm To Black Community

Dear Supporter, Yesterday, we sent out the press release below. After reading this breaking news yourself, please take a few minutes to forward the press release to your local newspapers, TV media, and radio stations.  With your help we can make this news around the world. Government health authorities knew over 50 years ago that black Americans […]

Gov’t Failed to Warn About Fluoride’s Disproportionate Harm to Black Community

New York – October 15, 2014 — Government health authorities knew over 50 years ago that Black Americans suffered greater harm from fluoridation, yet failed to warn the Black community about their disproportionate risk, according to documents obtained by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, experimentally added fluoride chemicals into the […]

Fluoridation of Water: Motion in House of the Oireachtas

Original at http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/debates%20authoring/debateswebpack.nsf/takes/seanad2014100100033?opendocument Senator Feargal Quinn:   I move: That Seanad Éireann notes the fundamental human right of every Irish citizen to choose whether or not they have their water medicated with fluoride given that they are, from 1 October 2014, paying for it. Senator Mary Ann O’Brien:   This is a historic day as most people […]

FAN’s 5th Citizens’ Conference on Fluoride – A Summary Report

Attendees at the 5th Citizens Conference on Fluoride, Sept 6-8, 2014. Simply put, Fluoride Action Network’s 5th Citizens Conference on Fluoride exceeded all our expectations. The Science day (Sept 6), Organization day (Sept 7) and the Lobby day (Sept 8) were all great – and to crown it all key participants had meetings with top […]

Whitewash Reviews: Part 2, Australia

Dear Supporter, A big thank you to all the hundreds of our supporters who have already sent in an online message in an effort to prevent the Australian government agency, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), from producing another whitewash review like the one they did in 2007.  Below we give more background […]

Heading for the showdown

Dear Supporter, Latest Developments & Updates Parents Against Fluoridation. Thank you to everyone who has signed the Parents Against Fluoridation pledge. In double quick time over 900 parents have signed up. However we need thousands more. If you haven’t done so and are a parent or grandparent please sign on and share the pledge with […]