Government Reports & FAN Submissions

FAN's compilation of government and other reports from the US, EU, WHO, UN, Australia, Canada, Ireland, NZ, and the UK. The majority of FAN's submissions to various government agencies over the years are also included.


2007 – Economic evaluation of prevention: further evidence. RIVM report 270091004/2007. This investigation was performed by order and for the account of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports within the framework of project V/270901, Cost-effectiveness of prevention.


4.2.5 Feasibility of implementation in the Netherlands
The implementation of fluoridation of drinking water is practically feasible, by adding a controlled dose of a fluoride compound to the drinking water. This could be realized at relatively low cost. On the other hand, there are also several major barriers for implementation. In the first place, at present the addition of chemicals to drinking water is prohibited by law in the Netherlands. This law came into effect because it was widely perceived that drinking water should not be used as a vehicle for pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, fluoridation of drinking water would conflict with the freedom to choose for natural drinking water. This principle of freedom of choice is considered as an important basic principle in the Netherlands.

1989 – Integrated criteria document fluorides. Report No 758474010. National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection. The Netherlands.