U.S. Water Systems with High F Levels

Database of drinking water systems with high levels of naturally occurring fluoride; searchable by state.

Massachusetts (1993)

Unless otherwise noted, the following information comes from the Fluoridation Census 1992 published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Oral Health, in 1993.

• It is not known if the water systems listed below are all still active
• The state Water System ID is the same as EPA’s preceded with the state’s initial. For example, Massachusetts would be MA0000000


Water Systems




Natural Level of Fluoride (ppm)

A Milligram per Liter (mg/L) is the same as Part Per Million (ppm)

Not all water fluoride levels are included in the Fluoridation Census 1992

Massachusetts Ware Hampshire 1309001 72 1.0
Massachusetts Hardwick Worcester 2124003 25 1.1
Massachusetts Royalston Worcester 2255000 25 1.1


Please email Fluoride Action Network if you have information to share on levels of naturally occurring fluoride in U.S. drinking water or other bodies of water.

Percentage of State Population served by Public Water Systems that Receive Fluoridated Water

State 2014 2012 2006 2000 1992
Massachusetts 70.4% 70.4% 59.1% 55.8% 57.0%