- Acaricide, Insecticide (Pyrazole),
- Nematicide
- As of February 2005: no Tox data available.
- New pesticide in 2000.
U.S. EPA Registered: No |
- CAS No. 50594-67-7
- Herbicide (Diphenyl ether)
As of September 2003: no Tox data available |
U.S. EPA Registered: No |
See effects
- Anemia
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Brain
- Cancer: Probable Human Carcinogen – LIVER
- Endocrine: Testicular
- Eye
- Kidney
- Liver
- Stomach
- Persistent in soil and water.
- Phototoxic
- EPA Registered: No
- Registered use in: Australia, Hungary, US
- See US food tolerances
- CAS No. 103833-18-7 and 101007-06-1
- Acaricide, Insecticide,
Wood Preservative (Pyrethroid)
See effects
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Endocrine: Thymus
- Spleen
- EPA Registered: No
- Registered use in: Japan, Portugal, South Africa, Taiwan, Vietnam
- CAS No. 65530-85-0
- US EPA List 3 Inert
No Tox Data Available —Inerts are chemicals used in pesticide products to make the pesticide more potent or easier to use. Solvents, surfactants, propellants and carriers are commonly used as inerts. The majority of inerts are toxic and biologically active. They can account for as much as 99.9 % of a pesticidal formulation. Toxicological data on the majority of inerts is not available and the majority are presumed to be industry’s toxic waste products. US EPA says that the public is not allowed to know the inerts used in specific pesticides. This prohibition is unscientific because it does not allow a full evaluation of a pesticide to be made by the public. It is also undemocractic. Why should the public be denied from knowing what is used on the food they eat or used in schools, homes, parks, etc.? |
- EPA Registered: Yes
- List 3 Inert
- Registered use in: US. Because this is an “Inert”, the public is not allowed to know which crops it is used on.
- CAS No. 348635-87-0
- Fungicide
(sulfonamide; triazole)
No tox data available.New pesticide as of May 2005 |
EPA Registered: No |
Ammonium bifluoride
- CAS No. 1341-49-7
- Wood Preservative (Inorganic)
See effects
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Brain
- Cholesterol
- Endocrine: Testicular
- Heart
- Kidney
- Lung
- Tremors/Convulsions
- Appendix 1 Hazardous Polluting Substance identified in 1978 Agreement between Canada and the US on Great Lakes Water Quality.
Chemical Weapons:
- Precursor for the production of sarin-family nerve agents
EPA Registered: No |
Ammonium fluosilicate on silica gel
- CAS No. 62449-69-8
- Insecticide
As of April 2003: no Tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
Ammonium silicofluoride
(also known as Ammonium fluosilicate)
- CAS No. 16919-19-0
- Insecticide, Miticide,
Wood Preservative
- EPA List 3 Inert
See effects
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Tremors/Convulsions
See effects
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Tremors/Convulsions
Appendix 1 Hazardous Polluting Substance. 1978 Agreement between Canada and the US on Great Lakes Water Quality. |
- EPA Registered:Yes
- List 3 Inert
- Registered use in: US
Because this is an “Inert”, the public is not allowed to know which crops it is used on. |
Arsenic trifluoride
- CAS No. 7784-35-2
- Wood preservative
In the literature the primary effects noted are for Arsenic, a known human carcinogen. |
EPA Registered: No |
Barium hexafluorosilicate
- CAS No. 17125-80-3
- Insecticide
(Fluorine inorganic)
Environmental: Banned in Austria. This action applies to barium compounds. All uses banned. High persistence in the environment and bioaccumulation in the food chain. Contamination of water and accumulation in plants occur. |
- EPA Registered: No
- Registered use in: India
- Banned in Austria
- European Commission: Not allowed to be used as an active ingredient after July 25, 2003.
BAS 320 I
see Metaflumizone
- CAS No. 113614-08-7
- Herbicide
As of February 2005: no Tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
- CAS No. 173980-17-1
- Herbicide
(phenyl pyrazolyl ketone)
No tox data available.New pesticide as of May 2005 |
EPA Registered: No |
(also known as Benefin)
- Herbicide
See effects
- Ataxia
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Cancer. Suggestive Evidence of Carcinogenicity: LIVER.
- Endocrine: Thyroid
- Kidney
- Liver
- Spleen
Fish: Slightly to Very Highly Toxic
Zooplankton: Moderately to Highly Toxic
Appendix 2 – Potential Hazardous Polluting Substance. 1978 Agreement between Canada and the US on Great Lakes Water Qualit |
- Registered use in:
Hungary, South Africa, Taiwan, US
As of March 2005:Only tox data available is for Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl (see below) |
EPA Registered: No |
See effects:
- Anemia
- Bone
- Cancer: Uterine, Liver, Thyroid
- Endocrine: Uterus
- Kidney
- Liver
- Reproductive/Developmental
- Thyroid
EPA Registered: YesUS:
- imported grapes
- grape processed commodities juice and wine
- imported tomato
- tomato processed commodities
- tomato paste
- Herbicide (dicarboximide)
As of February 2005: no Tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
- Herbicide (Anilide), Plant Growth Regulator (Unclassified)
As of February 2005: no Tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
See effects
- Body Weight Decrease
- Eye
- Kidney
- Liver
- Lung
- Bioconcentration in aquatic organisms
EPA Registered: No |
- Cas No. 1072957-71-1
- Fungicide
September 2011: new pesticide. No tox information available. |
EPA Registered: No |
- (Note: Cyfluthrin & Beta-cyfluthrin have the same CAS Nos.)
See effects
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Eye
- Lung
- Highly toxic to Fish, Aquatic Invertebrates.
- High risk to Honey Bees and other Arthropod species.
- Registered use in: Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Madagascar, New Zealand, South Africa, Taiwan, Tanzania, Uganda, US
- Cas No. 352010-68-5
- Herbicide
June 2009: new pesticide. No tox information available. |
EPA Registered: No |
- CAS Nos.
82657-04-3 (Cis)
83322-02-5 (Trans)
- Acaricide, Insecticide
(both Pyrethroid)
- Wood Preservative(to control termites)
See effects
- Ataxia
- Bladder
- Body Weight Decrease
- Cancer: Possible Human Carcinogen URINARY BLADDER, LIVER, LUNG
- Endocrine: Ovary/Estrus
- Endocrine: Suspected Disruptor
- Endocrine: Thyroid
- Liver
- Lung
- Tremors/Convulsions
- Tumor Promoter
- Very Highly Toxic to: Fish and Zooplankton
- Persistent in aquatic sediment
- Groundwater pollutant
- Registered use in: Australia, EU, Hungary, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, South Africa, Taiwan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK, US
- US: As of Feb 11, 2005, permitted in or on 198 food commodities.Also, a tolerance of 0.05 ppm in or on all food/feed items (other than those covered by a higher tolerance as a result of use on growing crops) in food/feed handling establishments.
- Insecticide (Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor; benzoylphenylurea)
As of April 2003: no tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
December 2006: new pesticide. No tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
Boron Trifluoride
See effects
- Body Weight Decrease
- Blood
- Bone
- Eye
- Kidney
- Lung
EPA Registered: No |
- Rodenticide (Unclassified)
- WHO: Extremely Hazardous(Class 1a)
See effects
- Ataxia
- Brain
- Lung
- Tremor/Convulsions
- Birds: High to Very high toxicity
- Fish: Very highly toxic
- Registered use in: Canada, US
See effects
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Liver
- Spleen
- Registered use in: Australia, Thailand, US
- US: (Sept 2003: first-time use approved in the US)