See effects
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Brain
- Cholesterol
- Endocrine: Pituitary
- Endocrine: Testicular
- Endocrine: Thymus
- Kidney
- Liver
Environmental. Sweden: “… high persistence, high potential for bioaccumulation and indicated potential for long-range transport. Substances like quinoxyfen may accumulate in various environmental compartments, including biota, and the effects of such accumulation are unpredictable…” |
EPA Registered: Yes
- Registered use in: Germany, Hungary, Portugal, South Africa, UK, US
- US: On Sept 29, 2003, EPA approved the first-time tolerances
- US. Time-Limited to Dec 2007: Pumpkin; Squash, winter; Vegetable, cucurbit, subgroup 9A; (includes 19 commodities)
- Herbicide (Amide / Uracil)
New pesticide as of December 2007. No information available |
EPA Registered: No |
- Fungicide (Anilide / Pyrazole)
New pesticide as of September 2008. No information available |
EPA Registered: No |
- Insecticide (Pyrethroid),
Termiticide, Wood Preservative
See effects
- Very little tox data available.
EPA Registered: No
- Registered use in: India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam
Siloxanes and silicones,
Me 3,3,3-trifluoropropyl
- Primary name:
Fluorosilicone oil
No Tox information available |
EPA Registered: Yes
- Registered use in: US- Because this is an “Inert”, the public is not allowed to know which crops it is used on.
Silver fluoride
- Fungicide, Herbicide,
(Inorganic Silver)
As of October 2003: no Tox data available |
EPA Registered: No |
New pesticide as of 1999. As of October 2003: no tox data available. |
EPA Registered: No |
Sodium aluminum
As of October 2003: no tox data available. |
EPA Registered: No
- In the US: Mothproof products cancelled in 1986 and 1987
Sodium bifluoride
See effects
- Anemia
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Brain
- Endocrine: Pituitary
- Endocrine: Thyroid
- Genotoxic
- Kidney
Chemical Weapon Precursor for the production of Sarin-family nerve agents
EPA Registered: No
Sodium fluoride
- Insecticide, Wood preservative (Inorganic)
- Sodium fluoride, classified as an EPA List 4B Inert, is approved for use in the new US National Organic Standards
See effects
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Endocrine: Breast
- Endocrine: Hypothalamus
- Endocrine: Ovary
- Endocrine: Uterus
- Heart
- Mesenteric artery
- Pancreas
- Salivary glands
- Spleen
- Teratogenic
Due to length, each of the following is presented in a separate section:
- Experiments concluded that the behavior of upstream-migrating adult salmon would be adversely affected by fluoride concentrations of about 0.5 mg/L.
- Approved for use in the new USDA Organic Program. USDA has approved all List 4 Inerts for use in US Organic agriculture.
- Chemical Weapon Precursor for the production of Sarin-family nerve agents
- Fine. Feb 19, 1999: The US Commerce Department’s Export Administration imposed a civil penalty of $750,000 on ALCOA for 100 violations of US export regulations involving shipments of potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride. Potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride are controlled because they can be used to make chemical weapons
EPA Registered: Yes
- Registered use in: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US, Vietnam
- US: Because this is an “Inert”, the public is not allowed to know which crops it is used on.
- Banned in these countries as of Dec 2003: Belize, Cuba, Laos, Slovenia, Thailand
Sodium fluoroacetate
- Also known as Compound 1080
- Insecticide, Rodenticide (Unclassified)
See effects
- Body Weight Decrease
- Brain
- Embryotoxic
- Endocrine: Hypothalamus
- Endocrine: Testicular
- Endocrine: Thymus
- Heart
- Highly Toxic to Bears, Birds, Mammals, Mule Deer, Ferrets
EPA Registered: Yes
- Banned in these countries as of Dec 2003: Belize, Cuba, Laos, Slovenia, Thailand
- Registered use in: Australia, Canada, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, US
Sodium fluosilicate
- Also known as Sodium hexafluorosilicate
- Insecticide, Wood Preservative (Inorganic)
See effects
- Anemia
- Apoptosis
- Ataxia
- Bladder
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease (including Cachexia, Wasting, Anorexia)
- Bone
- Dermal
- Heart
- Kidney
- Liver
- Lung
- Spleen
- Poisoning Incident
The major use of sodium hexafluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid is as fluoridation agents for drinking water. Both chemicals are also used as a chemical intermediate (raw material) for aluminum trifluoride, cryolite (Na3AlF6), silicon tetrafluoride… Other applications for sodium hexafluorosilicate include its use in enamels/enamel frits for china and porcelain, in opalescent glass, metallurgy (aluminum and beryllium), glue, ore flotation, leather and wood preservatives, and in Insecticides and rodenticides. |
EPA Registered: Yes
- US: Because this is an “Inert”, the public is not allowed to know which crops it is used on
In the U.S.
- The major use is as a fluoridation agent for drinking water. It is also used as a List 3 inert and as a wood preservative.
- Pesticides containing sodium fluosilicate have been canceled. They were used to control ectoparasites on livestock, as well as crawling insects (roaches etc.) in homes and work buildings. Also was used a mothproofing agent.
- Registered use in: Australia, Canada, India, South Africa, Tanzania, US, Vietnam
- Not allowed to be used as an active ingredient after July 25, 2003
See effects
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Endocrine: Prostate
- Endocrine: Testicular
- Endocrine: Vaginal
- Liver
- Spleen
- Persistent in Soil
- Groundwater Contaminant
- Highly Toxic to Estuarine/Marine Organisms
- Phototoxic
EPA Registered: Yes
- Registered use in: South Africa, US
- Insecticide:
• New pesticide as of December 2007
• EPA approval, May 17, 2013
• See toxicity
• DOW AgroSciences
• Brand names, “Transform” & “Closer”
• Sept 10, 2015, U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals revoked its approval |
EPA Registered: Yes
Registered use in: South Korea, Panama, Vietnam, Indonesia, Guatemala, US |
- Acaricide, Insecticide
See effects
- Endocrine: Testicular
- Fetotoxic
- Kidney
- Reproductive/Developmental
Environmental: As a class, fluorinated organic compounds are resistant to microbial degradation and photolysis.
- The estimated volatilization half-life from a model pond is 107 years if adsorption is considered. An estimated BCF of 500 suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is high.
Violation. August 2001 –
Largest pesticide penalty ($950,000) in New York state history for illegal distribution of S.C. Johnson roach baits.
“… According to an EPA assessment, if a child ingested the bait, he or she could suffer irreversible reproductive damage, and boys could be rendered infertile.”
- Reference: Press release from the Office of the NY State Attorney General
EPA Registered: Yes
- Registered use in: New Zealand, US
Sulfuryl fluoride
- Fumigant,
(Fluorine Inorganic)
- PAN BAD ACTOR – Acute Toxicity
- Use as a replacement fumigant for Methyl Bromide
See effects Part 1:
- Amyloidosis – Kidney
- Blood
- Body Weight Decrease
- Bone
- Brain
- Deaths from Vikane fumigation
- Endocrine: Adrenal
- Endocrine: Hypothalmus
- Endocrine: Thyroid
See effects Part 2:
- Eye
- Heart
- Kidney
- Liver
- Lung
- Tremors/Convulsions
EPA Registered: Yes
- Registered for use in warehouses, mills, etc., that have been emptied of food: Canada, Switzerland, UK
- Registered for use in warehouses & mills with food: US
PHASE-OUT OF USE: The US EPA in January 2011 announced that it agreed with “all” of the objections for the use of sulfuryl fluoride submitted by FAN, EWG and Beyond Pesticides. At the same time they announced a phase-out of the use of sulfuryl fluoride. The pesticide industry reacted with comments that it would suffer financial hardship if the phase-out were to happen. The last date for public comments on the issue was July 30, 2012. |
Sulfuryl fluoride VIKANE
Same as above
- Use as a structural fumigant
Same as above |
EPA Registered: Yes