November 15, 2018: Professionals are asked to sign a new statement calling for the end of water fluoridation worldwide. This is a response to the new Mother-Offspring fluoride studies which, for the first time, identified the fetus as the most vulnerable to fluoride's adverse neurotoxic (brain damaging) effects. Professionals can add their name to this statement by clicking the link below.
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UPDATE: The New Professionals’ Statement
The original ”Professionals’ Call for an End to WaterFluoridation” sign-on statement (circulated from 2007- 2018) was triggered by the disturbing scientific evidence of fluoride’s dangers as presented in the report on the toxicology of fluoride by the National Research Council of the National Academies in 2006. By October 2018 this statement was signed by 4,800 professionals.
On November 15, 2018, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) issued a “Renewed Call” to Professionals to sign a new statement opposing the fluoridation of public drinking water. This has been triggered by the publication of very important and disturbing Mother-Offspring fluoride studies, several funded by the U.S. Government (Bashash et al, 2017 and 2018; Thomas et al, 2018; Valdez Jiménez et al. 2017; Li et al, 2004).
In 2017 Bashash et al. reported that certain levels of fluoride in the urine of pregnant women were correlated to a decrease of 5-6 IQ points in their offspring. A year later, results of a national study of the urinary fluoride levels of pregnant Canadian women by Till et al. (2018) reported that pregnant women living in optimally fluoridated communities (0.7 mg/L fluoride) had the same urinary fluoride reported in the Bashash study. The U.S. has the same “optimal” fluoride levels as Canada.
What we learned from the Mother-Offspring fluoride studies is that the fetus is the most vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity and that the pregnant woman and the fetus were never considered in any risk assessment for water fluoridation.
FAN is appealing to professionals to sign this statement calling for an end to fluoridation of our drinking water. We hope that by circulating this statement the media, professionals, decision-makers, and the public (especially pregnant women), will help halt this unnecessary and reckless practice.
To see the signers to the New Statement, CLICK HERE
AUGUST 2007: It took about forty days for a dedicated team working with the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) in several countries and across North America to achieve an historic moment in the battle against water fluoridation.
On August 9, 2007, FAN released a Statement signed by over 1,000 professionals calling for an end to fluoridation and a call to legislators in fluoridating countries to hold hearings to determine why, after the release of the landmark National Research Council report in 2006, aggressive promotion of fluoridation continues.
The over 4,700 signers represent a remarkable coming together of those concerned about fluoride and those concerned about mercury issues; doctors practicing conventional medicine and those pursuing alternative treatments and the public health and the environmental health communities. All believe that public health policy should be determined honestly with full attention paid to sound science and to ethical principles.
According to Dr. Paul Connett, the Executive Director of FAN, “What we are seeing here is the judgment of professionals across the world, not trapped by a ‘fluoridation belief system,’ that the information on the health effects contained in the National Research Council report of 2006, together with a growing number of peer reviewed studies showing that fluoridation has only weak or no benefits, leads to one conclusion: the meager benefits do not outweigh the serious risks and fluoridation must be stopped.”
Connett adds, “Now our task is to get health officials, regulators, and the media to exercise due diligence in this matter and seriously examine the information presented in the Professionals’ Statement. Fluoridation will only end in the US when officials in the Oral Health Division of the CDC are forced to defend, under oath, their zealous promotion of this practice. They appear to be oblivious to its ineffectiveness and the dangers it poses to the American people – and people in the handful of other fluoridated countries.”
To this end, FAN has organized an online action petition to Congress allowing citizens to add their support to the Professionals’ Statement and the call for new Congressional Hearings.
August 9, 2007, was an historic day for this movement because it marks the day when those who promote fluoridation can no longer claim that they represent a single “authority” on this matter. Over 1,000 professionals have seen through their hollow rhetoric and are demanding an end to this outdated practice. August 9, 2007 marked the beginning of the end of fluoridation worldwide.
Connett concludes, “The Professionals’ Statement is the rock on which we will build the rest of our campaign.”
UPDATE: 4,804 Signers by-degree
860 Nurses (RN, MSN, BSN, ARNP, APRN, LNC, RGON)
629 DC’s (Doctor of Chiropractic, includes M Chiro)
582 MD’s (includes MBBS)
537 PhD’s – includes DSc (Doctor of Science); EdD (Doctor of Education); DrPH (Doctor of Public Health)
72 Acupuncturists (LAc – Licensed Acupuncturist, and, MAc -Master Acupuncturist)
48 DO’s (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)
32 Veterinarians (DMV, VMD, BVMS)
20 OD (Doctor of Optometry)
22 PA-C (Physician Assistant – Certified); also MPAS and RPA-C
Signatories Include:
Magda Aelvoet, MD, Former Minister of Public Health, Belgium
Rosalie Bertell, PhD, Regent of the Board, International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate for Physiology or Medicine, 2000.
Theo Colborn, PhD, co-author, Our Stolen Future
Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group (EWG)
Pat Costner, PhD, retired Senior Scientist, Greenpeace International
Ingrid Eckerman, MD, MPH, President, Swedish Doctors for the Environment (LFM), Stockholm, Sweden
Sam Epstein, MD, author, “Politics of Cancer” and Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition
Doug Everingham, former Federal Health Minister, Australia
Lois Gibbs, Executive Director, Center for Health, Environment, and Justice, Goldman Prize Winner (1990), Falls Church, VA
Andy Harris, MD, former national president, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Salem, OR
Vyvyan Howard, MD, PhD, Past President, International Society of Doctors for the Environment
Robert Isaacson, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology Emeritus, State University of New York at Binghamton
Stephen Lester, Science Director, Center for Health, Environment, and Justice
Hardy Limeback, PhD, DDS, Former President, Canadian Association of Dental Research
William Marcus, PhD, Former chief toxicologist of the EPA Water Division, Boyds, MD
Peter Montague, PhD, Director of Environmental Health Foundation
Raul Montenegro, PhD, Right Livelihood Award 2004 (known as the Alternative Nobel Prize), President of FUNAM, Professor of Evolutionary Biology, National University of Cordoba, Argentina
Ted Schettler, MD, Science Director, Science and Environmental Health Network
Kathleen M. Thiessen, PhD, Senior Scientist. SENES Oak Ridge, Inc.
To see the signers to the New Statement, CLICK HERE!
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