Translations (2007)
Between 2005 and 2007, Michael Connett of the Fluoride Action Network conducted an extensive review of Chinese research on fluoride’s neurotoxicity, with a particular focus on human epidemological investigations on the relationship between fluoride in water and reduced IQ, behavioral effects, and fetal brain damage. After compiling hard copies of these studies, FAN contacted several translators (Julian Brooke & Bin Li) to translate the studies into English so that US regulatory agencies and scientists could be made aware of these findings. In total, FAN translated 20 studies, 18 of which were subsequently published in the English-language scientific journal Fluoride. Copies of these 20 studies are included below. For an editorial summarizing the first 12 of these studies that FAN published, click here. For a listing of all studies finding an association between fluoride and reduced IQ in children, click here.
Guo Z, et al. (2001). Research on the neurobehavioral function of workers occupationally exposed to fluoride. Industrial Health and Occupational Disease 27:346-348. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Li J, Yao L, Shao Q-L. (2004). Effects of high fluoride level on neonatal neurobehavioral development. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 23:464-465. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Du L. (1992). The effect of fluorine on the developing human brain. Chinese Journal of Pathology 21(4):218-20. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Han H, et al. (1989). Effects of fluorine on the human fetus. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 4:136-138. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Yu Y, et al. (1996). Neurotransmitter and receptor changes in the brains of fetuses from areas of endemic fluorosis. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 15:257-259. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Chen YX, et al. (1991). Research on the intellectual development of children in high fluoride areas. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 6(supplement):99-100. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Guo XC, et al. (1991). A preliminary exploration of the IQs of 7-13 year old children from an area with coal-burning-related fluoride poisoning. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 10:98-100. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Hong F, et al. (2001). Research on the effects of fluoride on child intellectual development under different environmental conditions. Chinese Primary Health Care 15: 56-57. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Hu YS, Yu XZ, Ding RQ. (1989). Investigation of students’ intelligence quotient aged 6-14 years old in the endemic fluorosis area. Collection of papers and abstracts of 4th China Fluoride Research Association. Quiyang, China, 6:73. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Li Y, et al. (2003). Effects of endemic fluoride poisoning on the intellectual development of children in Baotou. Chinese Journal of Public Health Management 19(4):337-338. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Li Y, et al. (1994). Effects of high fluoride intake on child mental work capacity: Preliminary investigation into the mechanisms involved. Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences 25(2):188-91. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Qin LS, Cui SY. (1990). Using the raven’s standard progressive matrices to determine the effects of the elevel of fluoride in drinking water on the intellectual ability of school-aged children. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 5:203-204. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Ren Da-Li. (1989). A study of the intellectual ability of 8-14 year-old children in high fluoride, low iodine areas. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 4:251. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Wang S, et al. (2005). Effects of coal burning related endemic fluorosis on body development and intelligence levels of children. Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 20(9): 897-898. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Wang G, et al. (1996). A study of the IQ levels of four-to-seven-year-old children in high fluoride areas. Endemic Diseases Bulletin 11:60-62. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Yang Y, et al. (1994). The effects of high levels of fluoride and iodine on child intellectual ability and the metabolism of iodine and fluorine. Chinese Journal of Pathology 15(5):296-8. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Sun ZR, et al. (2000). Effects of high fluoride drinking water on the cerebral function of mice. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 19: 262-263. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Wu N, et al. (1995). Behavioral teratology in rats exposed to fluoride. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 14(5):271. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Zhang Z, et al. (1999). Effect of fluoride exposure on synaptic structure of brain areas related to learning-memory in mice. Journal of Hygiene Research 28(4):210-2. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]
Chen, et al. (1990). A study of the effects of fluoride on foetal tissue. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 9:345-346. [Chinese text | FAN’s English translation]