
Neuroligin-3 activates Akt-dependent Nrf2 cascade to protect osteoblasts from oxidative stress.

Introduction Osteoblasts are derived from mesenchymal progenitor cells and are the main functional cells for bone formation [[1], [2], [3]]. They are responsible for the synthesis, secretion and mineralization of bone matrix and can secrete various bioactive substances for bone formation and reconstruction [[1], [2], [3]]. In the pathogenesis of osteoporosis, uncontrolled reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and excessive oxidative injury will lead to significant damage and death of osteo

Association between fluoride exposure in drinking water and cognitive deficits in children: A pilot study.

2.3.1. Children's drawing tasks A total of 68 (37 males and 31 females) from the 74 children were enrolled and asked to participate in three drawing tasks of common objects that children readily encounter or experience in the study area, though their reproduction varies in complexity: a house, a person, and a donkey. They were provided with a pencil, rubber eraser, drawing pad, table, chair and allowed as much time to draw as they needed to complete their drawings, but no instruction or suppo

Urinary fluoride levels and metal co-exposures among pregnant women in Los Angeles, California.

Discussion This study characterized urinary fluoride levels during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy among a cohort of predominately Hispanic pregnant women residing in urban LA. MUFsg levels observed in MADRES (trimester 1 mean = 0.81 mg/L; trimester 3 mean = 0.92 mg/L) were higher than those reported in one other US study, but comparable to those observed among pregnant women in Mexico and Canada for which higher levels have been associated with poorer neurodevelopmental out

Dose dependence of prenatal fluoride exposure associations with cognitive performance at school age in three prospective studies.

Fluoride exposure from the Odense Child Cohort (OCC) While the addition of fluoride to drinking water is not legal in Denmark, elevated fluoride concentrations up to 1.5 mg/l naturally occur in groundwater in parts of the country,13 and some types of tea, especially black tea, constitute an additional source of exposure.14 In Odense municipality, the fluoride concentration in drinking water is rather low, i.e. 0.2–0.3 mg/l.13 Given the retention in and continuous mobilization from calcified t

MiR-1a-3p Inhibits Apoptosis in Fluoride-exposed LS8 Cells by Targeting Map3k1.

Introduction Endemic fluorosis is a chemical disease that affects people all over the world. It is also one of the most serious diseases that naturally occur in China. Dental fluorosis is a precursor and specific indicator of chronic fluorosis in the oral cavity and has a significant impact around the world. When dental fluorosis develops, it not only changes how a person looks but can also affect their mental health in different ways. According to the results of the fourth oral epidemi