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The influence of atmospheric hydrogen fluoride on the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals and sterility in Drosophila MelanogasterAbstract
The influence of hydrogen fluoride as an atmospheric contaminant was investigated in the Oregon-r strain of Drosophila melanogaster. Two principal parameters of mutagenicity were used: sex-linked recessive lethals and sterility. The flies were subjected to various levels of HF in fumigation chambers.
Sex-linked recessive lethal mutation frequency increasd at each level of sub-lethal concentration. The frequencies of sterlity in both males and females were significantly increased as a result of increased treatment concentration. Upon testing populations treated for long periods, it was found that long-term treatment periods significantly increased sterility.
Genetic differences were observed in the response of the progeny of treated flies. The maintenance of a population at sub-lethal concentrations of HF revealed an apparent accumulation of physiological aberrations resulting in sterlity in the treated flies. Results indicate that treatment increased the incidence of genetic aberations as measured by at least two parameters.