Rabbits of similar age and body weight received sodium fluoride (NaF) (50 mg/kg body weight/day) intragastrically for up to 136 days. The acid-soluble collagen of bone, tendon, trachea and skin was extracted and purified. Aldehyde associated with the collagen was determined spectrophotometrically. Bone collagen, which had maximum aldehyde content in normal conditions, showed maximum reduction after sodium fluoride ingestion, as compared to other tissues. The mode of action of fluoride appears variable from tissue to tissue. The collagen fibres produced during fluoride toxicity would be defective due to inadequate cross-links. Thus sodium fluoride interferes with the maturation and normal metabolism of tissue collagen.
NaF [sodium fluoride] produces abnormal collagen fibres which provide an abnormal environment for calcification. The formation of defective collagen fibres during fluoride poisoning may explain the development of neobone in fluorosis. NaF is suggested to interfere with maturation of collegen fibres by exerting an adverse effect on cross-link precursors.