Funders who supported this work. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (1) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH National Center for Research Resources (1) Articles referenced by this article (10) The prevalence of dental fear and avoidance: expanded adult and recent adolescent surveys. Gatchel RJ. J Am Dent Assoc, (5):591-593 1989. MED: 2785546 Evaluation of bias and logistics in a survey of adults at increased risk for oral health de


We evaluated survey response factors (particularly initial nonresponse and survey mode) that may be associated with bias in survey research.We examined prevention-related beliefs and outcomes for initial mail survey responders (n=209), follow-up mail survey responders (n=78), and follow-up telephone survey responders (n=74). The Pearson chi-square test and analysis of variance identified beliefs and behavioral outcomes associated with survey response mode.Follow-up options to the initial mail survey improved response rates (22.0-38.0 percent). Initial mail survey responders more strongly believed topical fluoride protects teeth from cavities than others (P=0.04). A significantly larger proportion of parents completing a follow-up telephone survey (30.8 percent) refused topical fluoride for their child than those completing mail surveys (10.3-10.4 percent) (P<0.0001).Multiple mode surveys with follow-up improve response rates. Initial nonresponse and survey response mode may be associated with biases in survey research.

*Original abstract online at


Funders who supported this work.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (1)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH National Center for Research Resources (1)

Articles referenced by this article (10)

Complex orthognathic surgery: assessment of patient satisfaction.

Posnick JC, Wallace J. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, (5):934-942 2008. MED: 18423283

Response rate and measurement differences in mixed-mode surveys using mail, telephone, interactive voice response (IVR) and the Internet

Dillman. Soc Sci Res, (1) 2009