The effects of sodium-fluoride (7681494) on gastric secretion were studied in rats. Male albino-rats were administered 25 milligrams per kilogram sodium-fluoride in their drinking water for 60 days. Selected rats were killed after 7, 15, 30, and 60 days, and stomachs were dissected out, the gastric juice collected, and the volume recorded. After centrifugation to remove suspended food particles, the gastric juice was analyzed for free and total acidity. Peptic activity was determined. Gastric volume was significantly increased after 30 and 69 days of sodium-fluoride treatment. Total acidity increased progressively with duration of treatment. Free acidity was significantly increased after 30 and 60 days. The increase in total acidity at 30 and 60 days was mainly due to the increase in free acidity. Peptic acidity was increased at all time points in treated animals, with the greatest increases occurring after 30 and 60 days. The authors suggest that elevation of cyclic-adenosine-monophosphate concentrations in the stomach by sodium-fluoride can stimulate hydrogen ion output. This could explain the gastric symptoms of individuals in endemic fluorosis areas and workers exposed to air contaminants containing fluoride.