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Therapeutics and Pharmacy.
The therapeutic uses of the fluorides have received comparatively little attention, notwithstanding the fact that it is now generally recognised that a certain amount of fluorine in the form of calcium fluoride is a necessity for the proper strengthening and consistence of the bones and for the normal hardness and good condition of the teeth. According to the Pharmaceutical Journal, however, at least two observers have successfully employed calcium fluoride therapeutically -namely, A. Robin and A. Brissemoret. The powder originally prescribed by Hobin is said to have been as follows:
Magnesium carbonate 10 cgm.
Calcium carbonate 25cgm.
Calcium triphosphate 25 cgm.
Calcium fluoride l cgm.
White sugar 1 gram.
One such powder to be taken daily.
Brissemoret found that the administration of calcium fluoride to the extent of 5 milligrams per diem, 15 days a month, had a marked influence in arresting dental caries. He advocates its use for growing children if the bones do not seem very strong; for children or adults suffering from dental caries; and for cases of fracture to promote the formation of callus; also for tuberculosis to aid the remineralisation of the system, and during pregnancy and lactation under certain conditions. In these cases he prescribes the following powder:
Calcium fluoride 75 milligrams.
Potassium phosphate 3 grams.
Sodium phosphate 5 grams.
Magnesium phosphate 10 grams.
Calcium phosphate 10 grams.
Sodium citrate 15 grams.
Milk sugar to 100 grams.
Half a teaspoonful of the mixed powder twice daily, at meals.
For cases of fractures, to hasten the formation of callus, and to strengthen it when formed, the follow- ing powder is given:
Calcium fluoride 5 cgm.
Magnesium fluoride 2 cgm.
Calcium bromide 2.5 grams.
Calcium phosphate 5 grams.
Calcium carbonate 5 grams.
Mix and divide into 20 powders. One twice daily.
We do not pretend to vouch for the efficacy of the above prescriptions, still less of the fluorides contained in them; but we think that the suggestions seem sound and worthy of consideration. We should be glad to hear the experiences of any readers who have tried this method of treatment.