
Catecholamine concentrations were determined in newborn rats treated with large doses of sodium fluoride (10 mg/kg) for varying periods of time. When fluoride treatment was started on day 5 after birth and continued daily to day 35 of life, decreased catecholamine concentrations were observed in the heart, kidney and liver. Daily fluoride treatment from day 15 through day 35 after birth failed to influence cardiac, kidney or liver catecholamines. Neither treatment regimen affected adrenal epinephrine or norepinephrine levels. These experiments suggest that fluoride may be affecting catecholamine biosynthetic mechanisms which are developing during days 5–10 of life.


•• Supported in part by Grant No. GM 15190 from the National Institutes of Health.

•• Author’s Present address: Woo Suk University Medical School, Seoul, Changraku, Myun Ryun Dong, Seoul, Korea.