Research Studies
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Fluoride concentrations at and near the neonatal line in human deciduous tooth enamel obtained from a naturally fluoridated and a non-fluoridated area.Abstract
This study sought to obtain a precise profile of fluoride concentrations at and near the neonatal line in deciduous incisors and canines from the naturally fluoridated area (1.0–1.3 parts/106 F in drinking water) of West Hartlepool and the non-fluoridated area (less than 0.1 parts/106 F in drinking water) of Leeds in England. An abrasive microsampling method was used to determine the distribution of fluoride and phosphorus concentrations. The profile of fluoride concentrations in 100-microm layers before and after the neonatal line, that is, in the prenatal and postnatal enamel, were significantly higher in teeth from the fluoridated than non-fluoridated areas. It was concluded that the fact that the fluoride concentrations were about the same prenatally and postnatally in deciduous enamel obtained from the fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas indicates that fluoride enters the prenatal deciduous enamel and that it is transferred through the placenta.
*Original abstract online at