Research Studies
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Fluoride concentrations in enamel and dentin of primary teeth after pre- and postnatal fluoride exposure.Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine any existing difference in the amount of fluoride incorporated in the surface, body enamel and dentin of two groups of deciduous teeth, either exposed to pre- and postnatal fluoride supplements or to postnatal fluoride only. One hundred and eighty five subjects with intact deciduous incisors were selected from a randomized, double blind study of the caries preventive efficacy of prenatal fluoride (F) supplementation. Surface and body enamel samples were obtained by the acid etch biopsy technique. Dentin microsamples were obtained by drilling to a depth of 100 microm using the microdrill biopsy technique. It was concluded that fluoride exposure during the prenatal period offered no additional measurable fluoride uptake by dental tissues other than that attributable to postnatal fluoride alone.
Fluoride uptake in hard tissues of fetal guinea pigs in response to various dose regimens.
Arch Oral Biol, (11):929-933 1992
MED: 1466641
Review on fluoride, with special emphasis on calcium fluoride mechanisms in caries prevention.
Eur J Oral Sci, (5 Pt 2):461-465 1997
MED: 9395110
Title not supplied
A review of clinical research on the use of prenatal fluoride administration for prevention of dental caries.
ASDC J Dent Child, (2):109-117 1981
MED: 7012207
The composition of the developing deciduous dentition in relation to fluoride in tissue fluids.
J Dent Res, (5):761-765 1969
MED: 5259414
Effect of prenatal and postnatal fluoride on the human deciduous dentition. A literature review.
Adv Dent Res, (2):168-176 1989
MED: 2701158
Prenatal fluoride for growth and development: Part X.
ASDC J Dent Child, (5):317-321 1997
MED: 9391707
Enamel-fluoride levels in deciduous and permanent teeth of children in high, medium and low fluoride areas.
Arch Oral Biol, (7):423-426 1986
MED: 3467665
Fluoride concentration in deciduous enamel in high- and low-fluoride areas.
Caries Res, (3):262-265 1985
MED: 3857990
Distribution of fluoride in the dental tissues and their supporting mandibular bone from the same individual.
Arch Oral Biol, (6):535-537 1994
MED: 8067923
[Effect of pre- and postnatal fluoride burdens on the fluoride content of the deciduous tooth enamel].
Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl, (1):3-9 1985
MED: 3157282
Randomized clinical trial of the effect of prenatal fluoride supplements in preventing dental caries.
Caries Res, (3):174-179 1997
MED: 9165186
Chemical and X-ray analysis of fluoride, phosphorus, and calcium in human foetal blood and hard tissues.
Arch Oral Biol, (12):1169-1178 1996
MED: 9134106
An in vivo investigation of the fluoride uptake in partially demineralized human enamel from several different dentifrices.
J Dent Res, (1):19-23 1985
MED: 3855413
Variatoon in composition of dental enamel within thin ground tooth sections.
Caries Res, (1):44-57 1971
MED: 5278608
Perspectives on the use of prenatal fluorides: a reactor’s comments.
ASDC J Dent Child, (2):128-133 1981
MED: 6938546
Clinical evidence of the role of pre-eruptive fluoride in caries prevention.
J Dent Res, 742-50; discussion 820-3 1990
MED: 2179336
US Food and Drug Administration: Statements of General Policy on Interpretation, Oral Prenatal Drugs Containing Fluorides for Human Use. Federal Register, Oct 20, 1966.
Variations of enamel density in sections of human teeth.
Arch Oral Biol, (1):85-97 1967
MED: 5227477