
Increasing consumption of beverages as a replacement for water have made fluoride content in beverages an important issue. In this study, forty-three ready-to-drink fruit juices were examined for fluoride ion concentration. It was found that 42% of the samples had more than 1 ppm of fluoride. It was also determined that “pure” fruit juices, often grape juices, contained high levels of fluoride. Juice made from grapes separated from the skin did not contain any fluoride. Since it is common practice to use fluoride-containing insecticide in growing grapes, it is believed that contamination of these juices is occurring. Washing of grape skins produced appreciable quantities of fluoride. Given that increasing numbers of people are consuming beverages instead of water, fluoride supplementation should not be based solely upon the concentration of the drinking water, but should also consider the amount of different beverages consumed and their fluoride content.