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Hepatotoxicity resulting from fluoride consumption in albino holtzman ratsAbstract
Objectives: To evaluate the eff ect of sustained fluoride consumption on the structure and function of the liver, albino Holtzman rats.
Materials and methods: Experimental, prospective, comparative, consisting of 40 female rats two months of age with an average weight of 200 grams, were randomly divided into 4 equal groups: one control and here experimental groups (I, II, III). The rats of the experimental groups received daily fluoride diluted in drinking water at a concentrations of 22,5; 45 and 135 mg/L respectively, for 12 weeks.
Results: At the macroscopic level, there was an increase of weight and liver volume in the three experimental groups. At the biochemical level was found, the reduction of serum albumin, and prothrombin time prolonged in the three experimental groups, being in all significant (p<0,05), where the severity was increased as the dose was higher. Microscopic examination revealed intracytoplasmic clumps, intracellular edema, poor definition of the cell membrane, ballooning degeneration, hepatocyte necrosis, periportal vascular congestion, dilated lobular central vein and sinusoids. The effects were more evident with increasing fluoride concentration. These changes were not observed in the control group.
Conclusions: Sustainable fluoride consumption causes heptocellular injury from edema to cell necrosis, altering the synthetic function, evidence with hypoalbuminemia and prolonged prothrombin time.