Short term experimental fluoride toxicosis was experimentally planned in adult male goats (NaP 20 mglkg BW) for 120 days. After 100 day of NaP exposure goats were vaccinated with H.S. oil adjuvant vaccine (Pasteurella multocida antigen). To evaluate immune status of animals, lymphocyte migration inhibition test (LMIT) and indirect haemagglutination test were performed for both cell mediated and humoral immune responses, respectively, after vaccination on 0, 7, 14 and 21 days of vaccination. The NaF exposed group of animals showed reduced cell mediated (CMI) and humoral (antibody titre) immune responses as compared to unexposed control group of animals. In the NaF exposed group of animals significant decrease in leukocyte count was also recorded during this period of NaP exposure which certainly express cytotoxic effect of fluoride ions in the body. The immunosuppresive impact of fluoride ions recorded in present study, may be taken as an important adverse impact on the animal health in general in the country like India, where 15 out 23 states are declared as endemic for fluorosis and good number of cases have been reported both in man and animals. In an estimate 20 million human population has been reported for having clinical fluorosis. No such study for animals is available. The major cause has been indicated, as increased industrialisation and population pressure for intensive agriculture resulting in over exploitation of underground waters.