
This is a review of findings on workers in an aluminum plant with industrial fluorosis. Early signs of the disease are nocturnal back pains and restriction of the rotation of the trunk. Stage I of the disease usually occurs after 10 years, stage II after 15 years and stage III after 20 years. The diagnosis was established at an early stage through biopsies of the iliac crest by histological and microanalytical determinations of fluoride. A fluoride level exceeding 4000 ppm in the iliac crest ash was found to be associated with typical signs of fluorosis. The early histological changes including the microradiographic findings and typical foci of calcification in the corticalis are demonstrated.

Three necropsies in patie.nts with fluorosis at different stages are reviewed. On. e of them showed a lesion in the cells of the anterior horn of the spinal cord which was believed to be related to fluorine. Cristallographic studies revealed that crystals of fluorotic bone mineral had become more slender. Increase in gastric acidity was associated with greater sensitivity toward fluoride. Prophylaxis and treatment of industrial fluorosis are discussed.